Protein for Women under 40

Performance Protein

Our key to unlocking untapped potential

For Female Athletes & Active Women

Optimal composition for their needs based on Swiss development

Enriched with Calcium & Vitamin D

To minimize training-specific nutrient deficiencies

Scientifically Founded

Based on the latest findings from research into female physiology

Whey Protein with Leucine and Lysine

The key amino acids for sustainable muscle maintenance and development in women

Pomegranate - Nature's Powerhouse

The regeneration booster with antioxidants for accelerated recovery

Advancing women’s athletic health and performance

Women have long been overlooked in sports science. The female cycle was seen as a disruptive factor, which is why recommendations were simplistically oriented towards men’s needs and neglected the specific requirements of women.

Male-Only Products are not Enough

In a world where health and wellbeing are becoming increasingly prioritized, it is important to understand the significance of protein for women in particular.  Active women require much more protein due to their menstrual cycle and are physiologically prone to nutrient deficiencies.

NoDoubt in Our Ingredients

Pure Quality Without Compromise

Performance Protein

100 % native whey protein of the highest quality: carefully selected and portioned with valuable bioactive substances. Specially for the needs of female athletes.

  • Whey protein is known for its excellent amino acid profile, which efficiently stimulates the development of defined and toned muscles, especially in female athletes.
  • In combination with lysine, our protein formula promotes firmer muscle synthesis. As active women have a higher need for lysine, we specifically address this deficiency to ensure effective repair after intensive training.
  • Vitamin D and Calcium

    Vitamin D and calcium are common nutrient deficiencies in active sportswomen and athletes. Our product offers the right balance of this powerful duo to help female athletes reach their peak performance.

  • Vitamin D and calcium have been shown to reduce the risk of sports injuries such as stress fractures, which are common among female athletes.
  • Both nutrients are essential for optimal muscle and bone health and also contribute to immunity by reducing the risk of performance-reducing infections.
  • L-Leucine

    L-leucine should not be left out! We have included 3g of leucine in our formula, which improves protein synthesis. It plays a major role in supporting endurance sports and serves as a valuable source of energy.

  • L-leucine is a powerful ingredient that supports defined and toned muscle growth, synthesis and overall fitness, helping you stay at the top of your game.
  • L-leucine is particularly important for endurance and strength, which makes it ideal for active women who do various types of training.
  • Pomegranate Extract

    Many female athletes have nutritional deficiencies that lead to fatigue and impaired immunity. To promote optimal recovery, our product contains high-quality pomegranate extract, carefully extracted from natural and organic sources.

  • Pomegranate helps to reduce exercise-induced muscle fatigue, muscle soreness, muscle damage and oxidative stress as well as inflammation.
  • Delayed muscle fatigue extends the time to exhaustion, which has a positive effect on all training modalities and improves performance, training load and training volume.
  • Pomegranate extract is rich in antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation and premenstrual symptoms.
  • AmberBlaze - Proteine für die Frau - vanille

    NoDoubt: AmberBlaze

    Protein for Women under 40.

    Protein for Women under 40

    In a world where health and wellbeing are becoming increasingly prioritized, it is important to understand the significance of protein for women in particular.

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