Protein Calculator

Calculate Your Personal Protein Requirement
With this protein configurator you can easily calculate your personal protein requirements. At the end you can send yourself the results and tips by e-mail.

iSpecify as accurately as possible, we will use this to calculate the amount of protein you need.


How many sessions do you do?

Strength Training

I don’t do any strength training
≤ 3x per month
1x per week
2x per week
3x per week
4x per week
5x per week
6x per week
7x per week
Intensity of the Training

Light to moderate: low to noticeable effort; option for additional repetitions or weight increase possible; or as part of a body workout

Intensive: significant effort; maximum load achieved; no further repetitions or weight increase possible


How many sessions do you do?

Endurance training

I don’t do any endurance training
≤ 3x per month
1x per week
2x per week
3x per week
4x per week
5x per week
6x per week
7x per week
Intensity of the Training

Light to moderate: light to moderate activity, breathing is more strenuous, still within the comfort zone

Intensive: heavy activity, barely able to speak during exercise, heavy breathing, uncomfortable


Other Light Activities (e.g. Pilates)

I don’t do light activities
≤ 3x per month
1x per week
2x per week
3x per week
4x per week
5x per week
6x per week
7x per week

Your result

gram(s) protein
which your body needs even without exercise.
NoDoubt Protein should be added to your meals each week, taking into account your physical activity.
pack(s) per month
should be ordered. For orders of 4 packages or more, we offer complimentary shipping.

Personal Product Recommendation

Protein for over 40s
Protein for women
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Priority: recharge your glycogen stores, combined with our protein! This way you can focus on muscle maintenance after light endurance sessions.

Why is this important?

The importance of high-quality proteins in endurance sports has long been underestimated. In the realm of endurance sports, the value of proteins has been historically overlooked. Carbohydrates have often taken the spotlight in nutrition, relegating proteins to a secondary role. Today, the consensus is clear – a targeted protein intake is indispensable in optimizing performance in endurance sports.

After an endurance session, it is essential to combine carbohydrates (e.g. banana) with NoDoubt protein to ensure optimal recovery. Supported by goji berry extract and omega-3, this mixture accelerates regeneration.

The balanced combination of protein and leucine plays a key role, especially after longer training sessions. This coordination not only promotes endurance performance, but also supports muscle regeneration and repair. This balanced ratio of nutrients ensures efficient recovery to optimally prepare the body for upcoming sporting challenges.

However, adequate hydration during endurance training remains crucial to maintain performance and ensure optimal health. The intense loss of fluids through sweat can increase the risk of dehydration, which can lead to reduced athletic performance, fatigue and impaired cognitive function. Conscious hydration is therefore another crucial aspect of successful light to moderate endurance training.

How to approach this?

On days with endurance training: 1x daily


  1. During training
    • Ensure good hydration
  2. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
    • Ensure good hydration!

After training, it’s crucial to adequately supply both muscle cells and glycogen stores. Protein, enriched with Leucine, Omega-3, and Goji Berry extract, accelerates regeneration. Combining protein with carbohydrates further supports muscle recovery.
Ensure sufficient fluid intake, including water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks, to replenish fluids lost during training and maintain optimal health and performance.


Priority: Recharge your glycogen stores in tandem with our protein after intense endurance sessions! This approach ensures ample energy provision for the body and promotes an effective blend of protein components for muscle preservation.

Why is this important?

The importance of high-quality proteins in endurance sports has long been underestimated. In the realm of endurance sports, the value of proteins has been historically overlooked. Carbohydrates have often taken the spotlight in nutrition, relegating proteins to a secondary role. Today, the consensus is clear – a targeted protein intake is indispensable in optimizing performance in endurance sports.

A targeted supply of L-Leucine and carbohydrates before training plays a pivotal role in maximizing athletic performance during intense endurance sessions. This guarantees sufficient energy reserves to successfully navigate these sessions. Leucine, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Goji Berry extract support muscle regeneration post-endurance training, expedite recovery, and effectively prepare the body for the next workout. Especially in intense training sessions where glycogen stores may be depleted, Leucine can provide additional energy.

The combination of protein and carbohydrates before and after endurance training is of paramount importance. The body primarily relies on carbohydrates as an energy source during these sessions. This combination not only optimizes endurance performance but also supports muscle regeneration and repair.

In phases of highly intense endurance training, where glycogen stores may be depleted, consuming additional carbohydrates during training is advisable. Energy gels or small amounts of banana can help maintain energy levels and prolong performance during longer, highly intensive sessions.

Adequate fluid intake during endurance training is crucial for adults to maintain their performance levels and ensure optimal health. Endurance training, such as running or cycling, can lead to significant fluid loss through sweat, increasing the risk of dehydration. Dehydration can result in diminished athletic performance, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function.

How to approach this?

On days with endurance training: 2x daily


  1. 1x before training (2-3 hours prior)
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
  2. During training
    • Ensure good hydration
    • Optional: 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana, power gel)
  3. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
    • Ensure good hydration!

Optimal supply of L-Leucine and carbohydrates before training can enhance athletic performance as sufficient energy reserves are available to handle intense endurance sessions.

During longer, high-intensity sessions, it may be helpful to consume additional carbohydrates during training, such as energy gels or small pieces of banana, to maintain energy levels and extend performance.

After training, it’s crucial to adequately supply both muscle cells and glycogen stores. SilverGreen Protein, enriched with Leucine, Omega-3, and Goji Berry extract, accelerates regeneration. Combining protein with carbohydrates further supports muscle recovery.
Ensure sufficient fluid intake, including water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks, to replenish fluids lost during training and maintain optimal health and performance.


Women can experience increased protein needs and nutrient deficits after training due to the menstrual cycle.

Priority: Focus on muscle preservation, avoid nutrient deficits.

Why is this important?

The NoDoubt product presents a tailored solution, particularly valuable for female athletes dedicated to endurance training.

High-quality protein with Leucine and Lysine:
The NoDoubt product not only features high-quality protein but also includes targeted enrichment with Leucine. This unique combination plays a crucial role in promoting muscle protein synthesis, thereby supporting efficient muscle regeneration and growth. This composition proves especially significant for female endurance athletes, aiding in protecting muscles during demanding training sessions. Lysine, an essential amino acid that women need more cyclically, is additionally included in this unique formula. Thus, the NoDoubt product provides holistic support for the specific needs of female endurance athletes, ensuring optimal performance and muscle health.

Antioxidant Effect of Pomegranate:
The addition of pomegranate brings performance-enhancing antioxidant properties. For female athletes regularly engaging in intense endurance training, these antioxidants can help minimize oxidative stress and promote recovery.

Calcium and Vitamin D for Strong Bones:
The careful combination of calcium and vitamin D in this product not only promotes general health but is also particularly beneficial for bone health. These nutrients help strengthen bones, minimizing the risk of injuries often associated with intense endurance training. Women who regularly exercise often have deficiencies in these essential nutrients. Therefore, the NoDoubt product offers targeted support to optimize bone health and best support women in their endurance activities.

Optimizing Endurance Performance:
Overall, the NoDoubt product provides targeted support for female athletes in endurance sports. Through the strategic combination of protein, Leucine, pomegranate, calcium, and vitamin D, this product contributes to enhancing endurance performance and promoting the health of female athletes.

Carbohydrates for Regeneration:
After intense endurance training sessions, a combination of NoDoubt protein and carbohydrates, such as consuming a banana, is beneficial for recovery and maintaining muscle mass. This balanced nutrition not only supports performance but also the health of female athletes.

How to approach this?

On days with endurance training: 1x daily


  1. During training
    • Ensure good hydration
  2. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
    • Ensure good hydration!

After training, it’s crucial to adequately supply both muscle cells and glycogen stores. Protein enriched with Leucine, pomegranate extract, vitamin D, and calcium accelerates regeneration. Combining protein with carbohydrates further supports muscle recovery.
Ensure sufficient fluid intake, including water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks, to replenish fluids lost during training and maintain optimal health and performance.


Women can experience increased protein needs and nutrient deficits after training due to the menstrual cycle.

Priority: Ensure energy provision, effective protein components for muscle preservation without nutrient deficits.

Why is this important?

The NoDoubt product offers a tailored solution, particularly invaluable for female athletes dedicated to endurance training.

High-quality protein with Leucine and Lysine:
The NoDoubt product not only features high-quality protein but also includes targeted enrichment with Leucine. This unique combination plays a crucial role in promoting muscle protein synthesis, thereby supporting efficient muscle regeneration and growth. This composition proves particularly significant for female endurance athletes, contributing to protecting muscles during demanding training sessions.

Additionally, Lysine, an essential amino acid women need more cyclically, is included in this unique formula. Thus, the NoDoubt product provides comprehensive support for the special needs of female endurance athletes, ensuring optimal performance and muscle health.

Antioxidant Effect of Pomegranate:
The addition of pomegranate brings performance-enhancing antioxidant properties. For female athletes regularly engaging in intense endurance training, these antioxidants can help minimize oxidative stress and promote recovery.

Calcium and Vitamin D for Strong Bones:
The careful combination of calcium and vitamin D in this product not only promotes general health but is also particularly beneficial for bone health. These nutrients help strengthen bones, minimizing the risk of injuries often associated with intense endurance training. Women who regularly train often have deficiencies in these essential nutrients.

Therefore, the NoDoubt product offers targeted support to optimize bone health and best support women in their endurance activities.

Optimizing Endurance Performance:
Overall, the NoDoubt product provides targeted support for female athletes in endurance sports. Through the strategic combination of protein, Leucine, pomegranate, calcium, and vitamin D, this product contributes to enhancing endurance performance and promoting the health of female athletes.

To ensure optimal endurance performance during long and intense training sessions, a light snack with carbohydrates (e.g., a banana) is useful to meet energy demands and prevent fatigue.

After intense endurance training sessions, a combination of NoDoubt protein and carbohydrates, such as consuming a banana, is beneficial for recovery and maintaining muscle mass. This balanced nutrition not only supports performance but also the health of female athletes.

How to approach this?

On days with endurance training: 2x daily


  1. 1x before training (2-3 hours prior)
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
  2. During training
    • Ensure good hydration
    • Optional: 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana, power gel)
  3. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
    • Ensure good hydration!

By providing optimal levels of L-Leucine, Lysine, and carbohydrates before training, athletic performance can be optimized as sufficient energy reserves are available to handle intense endurance sessions.

During longer, high-intensity sessions, it may be helpful to consume additional carbohydrates during training, such as energy gels or small pieces of banana, to maintain energy levels and extend performance.

After training, it’s crucial to adequately supply both muscle cells and glycogen stores. Protein enriched with Leucine, pomegranate extract, vitamin D, and calcium accelerates regeneration. Combining protein with carbohydrates further supports muscle recovery.
Ensure sufficient fluid intake, including water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks, to replenish fluids lost during training and maintain optimal health and performance.

Priority: After strength training, it is crucial to consume high-quality protein for optimal muscle building and effective recovery.

Why is this important?

To achieve maximum performance and recovery after light to moderate strength training, it is crucial to provide the muscle cells with essential nutrients. NoDoubt not only offers high-quality protein with a precisely balanced amino acid profile containing all essential BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in the right dosage but also includes targeted ingredients such as leucine, goji berry extract, and omega-3. This special composition not only optimizes muscle protein synthesis but also promotes recovery,

helping you get the most out of each workout.

Leucine: NoDoubt is enriched with leucine, the crucial building block for muscle protein synthesis. This targeted enrichment promotes maximum results and supports the muscles in adapting to strength training.

Recovery: Our products contain goji berry extract with polyphenols and omega-3, which can contribute to reducing fatigue during training and alleviating muscle soreness after the workout.

Therefore, they are ideal for your recovery phase after light to moderate strength training.

Additionally, we recommend taking NoDoubt protein after training to ensure that muscle cells receive the necessary nutrients immediately after light to moderate training. This timing is crucial to support recovery and achieve the best possible results from your workout.

How to approach this?

On days with strength training: 1x daily


  1. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply. Especially after moderate training sessions, muscle protein synthesis is supported by leucine, goji berry extract, and omega-3.

Intensive strength training requires accelerated recovery to efficiently promote muscle growth. Prioritize a blend of our protein with carbohydrates.

Why is this important?

To achieve maximum performance and recovery after light to moderate strength training, it is crucial to provide the muscle cells with essential nutrients. NoDoubt not only offers high-quality protein with a precisely balanced amino acid profile containing all essential BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in the right dosage but also includes targeted ingredients such as leucine, goji berry extract, and omega-3. This special composition not only optimizes muscle protein synthesis but also promotes recovery,

helping you get the most out of each workout.

Leucine: NoDoubt is enriched with leucine, the crucial building block for muscle protein synthesis. This targeted enrichment promotes maximum results and supports the muscles in adapting to strength training.

Carbohydrates: The combination of NoDoubt protein with a carbohydrate source (e.g., banana) after strength training plays a crucial role. It allows for replenishing depleted glycogen stores in the muscles and provides the body with the necessary energy for effective recovery and preparation for upcoming training sessions.

Recovery: Our products contain goji berry extract with polyphenols and omega-3, which can contribute to reducing fatigue during training and alleviating muscle soreness after the workout.

Thus, they are ideal for your recovery phase after intense strength training.

Additionally, we recommend taking NoDoubt protein after training to ensure that muscle cells receive the necessary nutrients immediately after intense training. This timing is crucial to support recovery and achieve the best possible results from your workout.

How to approach this?

On days with strength training: 1x daily


  1. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply. Especially after intensive training, the targeted combination of protein with carbohydrates effectively supports muscle protein synthesis and regeneration.

Women may experience increased protein requirements and nutrient deficits due to the menstrual cycle.
Priority: Optimal protein for muscle building and effective recovery, without nutrient deficits.

Why is this important?

The significance of protein for women is a growing area of research, recognizing women’s specific needs that have often been overlooked. The menstrual cycle influences training capacity, with the follicular phase (1st cycle phase to ovulation) being particularly favorable for strength training due to the rise in estrogen, promoting muscle protein synthesis.

Studies show that women require more protein, highlighting higher protein oxidation, a factor often overlooked until now. To promote muscle growth, women should focus on increased protein intake during the luteal phase (2nd cycle phase), especially on amino acids like Lysine and Leucine.

The follicular phase allows for effective muscle-building training, while in the luteal phase, foundational training with a moderate pulse is recommended to minimize muscle breakdown. Nutrition recommendations vary: in the follicular phase, proteins support recovery, and antioxidants protect against inflammation; in the luteal phase, increased protein intake is essential, along with antioxidants and iron-rich foods for muscle regeneration and reducing water retention.

Adapting training and nutrition to the menstrual cycle can help women achieve their fitness goals, especially in strength training, more effectively and promote overall health.

How to approach this?

On days with strength training: 1x daily


  1. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply. Especially after moderate training sessions, muscle protein synthesis is accelerated by Leucine, Lysine, pomegranate extract, vitamin D, and calcium.

Women may experience increased protein requirements and nutrient deficits due to the menstrual cycle.
Priority: Optimal protein for muscle building and effective recovery, without nutrient deficits.

Why is this important?

The significance of protein for women is a growing area of research, recognizing women’s specific needs that have often been overlooked. The menstrual cycle influences training capacity, with the follicular phase (1st cycle phase to ovulation) being particularly favorable for strength training due to the rise in estrogen, promoting muscle protein synthesis.

Studies show that women require more protein, highlighting higher protein oxidation, a factor often overlooked until now. To promote muscle growth, women should focus on increased protein intake during the luteal phase (2nd cycle phase), especially on amino acids like Lysine and Leucine.

The follicular phase allows for effective muscle-building training, while in the luteal phase, foundational training with a moderate pulse is recommended to minimize muscle breakdown. Nutrition recommendations vary: in the follicular phase, proteins support recovery, and antioxidants protect against inflammation; in the luteal phase, increased protein intake is essential, along with antioxidants and iron-rich foods for muscle regeneration and reducing water retention.

Adapting training and nutrition to the menstrual cycle can help women achieve their fitness goals, especially in strength training, more effectively and promote overall health.

How to approach this?

On days with strength training: 1x daily


  1. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply. Especially after intensive training, the targeted combination of protein with carbohydrates effectively supports muscle protein synthesis and regeneration.

After the age of 40, muscle loss increases significantly. After endurance units, muscle maintenance must be prioritized in order to counteract breakdown and accelerate regeneration.

Why is this important?

NoDoubt provides optimal support for endurance training, especially for individuals over 40. Studies suggest that in this age group, increased protein intake and L-Leucine are necessary, even in the context of endurance training.

Leucine, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Goji Berry extract support muscle regeneration post-endurance training, expedite recovery, and effectively prepare the body for the next workout. Especially during long training sessions, when glycogen stores are depleted, leucine can provide additional energy.

The combination of protein and carbohydrates after endurance training is particularly important for people over 40. The body primarily relies on carbohydrates as an energy source during these sessions. This combination not only optimizes endurance performance but also supports muscle regeneration and repair.

In phases of very long endurance training (e.g. in preparation for a marathon), when glycogen stores may be depleted, it is advisable to consume additional carbohydrates during training. Energy gels or small amounts of banana help to maintain energy levels and prolong performance over longer sessions.

Adequate fluid intake during endurance training is crucial for adults to maintain their performance levels and ensure optimal health. Endurance training, such as running or cycling, can lead to significant fluid loss through sweat, increasing the risk of dehydration. Dehydration can result in diminished athletic performance, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function.

How to approach this?

On days without sport: 1x daily


  • 1x in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant protein supply to promote muscle health.

On days with endurance training: 2x daily


  1. 1x in the morning or afternoon:
    • 1 portion of NoDoubt Protein, ideally 2-3 hours between meals
  2. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
    • Ensure good hydration!

After training, it’s crucial to adequately supply both muscle cells and glycogen stores. Protein, enriched with Leucine, Omega-3, and Goji Berry extract, accelerates regeneration. Combining protein with carbohydrates further supports muscle recovery.
Ensure sufficient fluid intake, including water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks, to replenish fluids lost during training and maintain optimal health and performance.

From the age of 40, the body requires longer recovery times after endurance training. Energy for intensive training is crucial.
Priority: glycogen stores and muscle protein synthesis for muscle maintenance.

Why is this important?

NoDoubt provides optimal support for endurance training, especially for individuals over 40. Studies suggest that in this age group, increased protein intake and L-Leucine are necessary, even in the context of endurance training.

The targeted supply of L-leucine and carbohydrates before training plays a decisive role in maximizing athletic performance. This ensures that sufficient energy reserves are available to successfully master even intensive endurance units. Leucine, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Goji Berry extract support muscle regeneration post-endurance training, expedite recovery, and effectively prepare the body for the next workout. Leucine can provide additional energy, especially during intensive training sessions when glycogen stores are depleted.

The combination of protein and carbohydrates before and after endurance training is particularly important for people over 40. The body primarily relies on carbohydrates as an energy source during these sessions. This combination not only optimizes endurance performance but also supports muscle regeneration and repair.

In phases of highly intense endurance training, where glycogen stores may be depleted, consuming additional carbohydrates during training is advisable. Energy gels or small amounts of banana can help maintain energy levels and prolong performance during longer, highly intensive sessions.

Adequate fluid intake during endurance training is crucial for adults to maintain their performance levels and ensure optimal health. Endurance training, such as running or cycling, can lead to significant fluid loss through sweat, increasing the risk of dehydration. Dehydration can result in diminished athletic performance, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function.

How to approach this?

On days without sport: 1x daily


  • in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant supply of protein to promote muscle health.

On days with endurance training: 2x daily


  1. 1x before training (2-3 hours prior)
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
  2. During training
    • Ensure good hydration
    • Optional: 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana, power gel)
  3. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
    • Ensure good hydration!

Optimal supply of L-Leucine and carbohydrates before training can enhance athletic performance as sufficient energy reserves are available to handle intense endurance sessions.

During longer, high-intensity sessions, it can be helpful to consume additional carbohydrates during training, such as energy gels or small pieces of banana, to maintain energy levels and prolong performance.

After training, it’s crucial to adequately supply both muscle cells and glycogen stores. Protein, enriched with Leucine, Omega-3, and Goji Berry extract, accelerates regeneration. Combining protein with carbohydrates further supports muscle recovery.

Ensure sufficient fluid intake, including water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks, to replenish fluids lost during training and maintain optimal health and performance.

After the age of 40, muscle loss increases significantly. After endurance units, muscle maintenance must be prioritized in order to counteract breakdown and accelerate regeneration.

Why is this important?

NoDoubt provides optimal support for endurance training, especially for individuals over 40. Studies suggest that in this age group, increased protein intake and L-Leucine are necessary, even in the context of endurance training.

Leucine, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Goji Berry extract support muscle regeneration post-endurance training, expedite recovery, and effectively prepare the body for the next workout. Especially during long training sessions, when glycogen stores are depleted, leucine can provide additional energy.

The combination of protein and carbohydrates after endurance training is particularly important for people over 40. The body primarily relies on carbohydrates as an energy source during these sessions. This combination not only optimizes endurance performance but also supports muscle regeneration and repair.

In phases of very long endurance training (e.g. in preparation for a marathon), when glycogen stores may be depleted, it is advisable to consume additional carbohydrates during training. Energy gels or small amounts of banana help to maintain energy levels and prolong performance over longer sessions.

Adequate fluid intake during endurance training is crucial for adults to maintain their performance levels and ensure optimal health. Endurance training, such as running or cycling, can lead to significant fluid loss through sweat, increasing the risk of dehydration. Dehydration can result in diminished athletic performance, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function.

How to approach this?

On days without sport: 1x daily


  • 1x in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant supply of protein to promote muscle health.

On days with endurance training: 2x daily


  1. 1x in the morning or afternoon:
    • 1 portion of NoDoubt Protein, ideally 2-3 hours between meals
  2. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
    • Ensure good hydration!

After training, it’s crucial to adequately supply both muscle cells and glycogen stores. Protein, enriched with Leucine, Omega-3, and Goji Berry extract, accelerates regeneration. Combining protein with carbohydrates further supports muscle recovery.
Ensure sufficient fluid intake, including water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks, to replenish fluids lost during training and maintain optimal health and performance.

From the age of 40, the body requires longer recovery times after endurance training. Energy for intensive training is crucial.
Priority: glycogen stores and muscle protein synthesis for muscle maintenance.

Why is this important?

NoDoubt provides optimal support for endurance training, especially for individuals over 40. Studies suggest that in this age group, increased protein intake and L-Leucine are necessary, even in the context of endurance training.

The targeted supply of L-leucine and carbohydrates before training plays a decisive role in maximizing athletic performance. This ensures that sufficient energy reserves are available to successfully master even intensive endurance units. Leucine, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Goji Berry extract support muscle regeneration post-endurance training, expedite recovery, and effectively prepare the body for the next workout. Leucine can provide additional energy, especially during intensive training sessions when glycogen stores are depleted.

The combination of protein and carbohydrates before and after endurance training is particularly important for people over 40. The body primarily relies on carbohydrates as an energy source during these sessions. This combination not only optimizes endurance performance but also supports muscle regeneration and repair.

In phases of highly intense endurance training, where glycogen stores may be depleted, consuming additional carbohydrates during training is advisable. Energy gels or small amounts of banana can help maintain energy levels and prolong performance during longer, highly intensive sessions.

Adequate fluid intake during endurance training is crucial for adults to maintain their performance levels and ensure optimal health. Endurance training, such as running or cycling, can lead to significant fluid loss through sweat, increasing the risk of dehydration. Dehydration can result in diminished athletic performance, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function.

How to approach this?

On days without sport: 1x daily


  • in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant supply of protein to promote muscle health.

On days with endurance training: 2x daily


  1. 1x before training (2-3 hours prior)
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
  2. During training
    • Ensure good hydration
    • Optional: 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana, power gel)
  3. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)
    • Ensure good hydration!

Optimal supply of L-Leucine and carbohydrates before training can enhance athletic performance as sufficient energy reserves are available to handle intense endurance sessions.

During longer, high-intensity sessions, it can be helpful to consume additional carbohydrates during training, such as energy gels or small pieces of banana, to maintain energy levels and prolong performance.

After training, it’s crucial to adequately supply both muscle cells and glycogen stores. Protein, enriched with Leucine, Omega-3, and Goji Berry extract, accelerates regeneration. Combining protein with carbohydrates further supports muscle recovery.

Ensure sufficient fluid intake, including water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks, to replenish fluids lost during training and maintain optimal health and performance.

Anabolic resistance sets in from the age of 40. Protein alone is no longer enough. The right mix and dosage of specific components are crucial to efficiently maintain and build muscle after strength training.

Why is this important?

The challenges of ageing can influence athletic performance. NoDoubt SilverGreen is a targeted way to increase performance. With high-quality performance protein, leucine boost and special components such as goji berry extract and omega-3, it is the indispensable tool for athletes over 40.

Ultimate Performance Protein: With advancing age, it becomes more important for active athletes over 40 to optimize their muscle performance. NoDoubt SilverGreen not only provides high quality protein, but is specifically designed to maximize the performance aspects of older athletes.

Leucine booster for top performance: Enriched with 5g leucine per serving, the key building block for muscle proteins, NoDoubt promotes muscle performance and enables athletes over 40 to exceed their limits.

Superior amino acid profile: Due to its superior amino acid profile, NoDoubt Protein has been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults more efficiently than the the same amount of casein. The efficiency of this product goes beyond that of conventional proteins.

Muscle recovery: With increasing age, recovery becomes more and more important for athletes over 40, as their bodies may not be able to recover as quickly as before. Omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols found in our goji berry extract have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after exercise. Athletes can improve their recovery time and overall athletic performance.

How to approach this?

On days without sport: 1x daily


  • in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant supply of protein to promote muscle health.

On days with strength training: 2x daily


  1. 1x in the morning or afternoon:
    • 1 portion of NoDoubt Protein, ideally 2-3 hours between meals
  2. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply. Especially after moderate training sessions, muscle protein synthesis and regeneration are supported by the high dosage of L-leucine.

Anabolic resistance begins from the age of 40. Intensive strength training requires not only a focus on muscle maintenance and development, but also sufficient energy for maximum performance – an important balance for a strong, healthy body.

Why is this important?

Ultimate Performance Protein: With advancing age, it becomes more important for active athletes over 40 to optimize their muscle performance. NoDoubt SilverGreen not only provides high quality protein, but is specifically designed to maximize performance aspects in older athletes.

Leucine booster for maximum performance:Enriched with 5g leucine per serving, the key building block for muscle proteins, NoDoubt promotes muscle performance and enables athletes over 40 to build their muscles efficiently

Superior amino acid profile: Due to its superior amino acid profile, NoDoubt Protein has been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults more efficiently than the the same amount of casein. The efficiency of this product goes beyond that of conventional proteins.

Muscle recovery: With increasing age, recovery becomes more and more important for athletes over 40, as their bodies may not be able to recover as quickly as before. Omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols found in our goji berry extract have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after exercise. Athletes can improve their recovery time and overall athletic performance.

How to approach this?

On days without sport: 1x daily


  • in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant supply of protein to promote muscle health.

On days with strength training: 2x daily


  1. 1x in the morning or afternoon:
    • 1 portion of NoDoubt Protein, ideally 2-3 hours between meals
  2. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply. Especially after intensive training, the targeted combination of protein with carbohydrates effectively supports muscle protein synthesis and regeneration.

Anabolic resistance sets in from the age of 40. Protein alone is no longer enough. The right mix and dosage of specific components are crucial to efficiently maintain and build muscle after strength training.

Why is this important?

The challenges of ageing can influence athletic performance. NoDoubt SilverGreen is a targeted way to increase performance. With high-quality performance protein, leucine boost and special components such as goji berry extract and omega-3, it is the indispensable tool for athletes over 40.

Ultimate Performance Protein: With advancing age, it becomes more important for active athletes over 40 to optimize their muscle performance. NoDoubt SilverGreen not only provides high quality protein, but is specifically designed to maximize the performance aspects of older athletes.

Leucine booster for top performance: Enriched with 5g leucine per serving, the key building block for muscle proteins, NoDoubt promotes muscle performance and enables athletes over 40 to exceed their limits.

Superior amino acid profile: Due to its superior amino acid profile, NoDoubt Protein has been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults more efficiently than the the same amount of casein. The efficiency of this product goes beyond that of conventional proteins.

Muscle recovery: With increasing age, recovery becomes more and more important for athletes over 40, as their bodies may not be able to recover as quickly as before. Omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols found in our goji berry extract have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after exercise. Athletes can improve their recovery time and overall athletic performance.

How to approach this?

On days without sport: 1x daily


  • in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant supply of protein to promote muscle health.

On days with strength training: 2x daily


  1. 1x in the morning or afternoon:
    • 1 portion of NoDoubt Protein, ideally 2-3 hours between meals
  2. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply. Especially after moderate training sessions, muscle protein synthesis and regeneration are supported by the high dosage of L-leucine.

Anabolic resistance begins from the age of 40. Intensive strength training requires not only a focus on muscle maintenance and development, but also sufficient energy for maximum performance – an important balance for a strong, healthy body.

Why is this important?

Ultimate Performance Protein: With advancing age, it becomes more important for active athletes over 40 to optimize their muscle performance. NoDoubt SilverGreen not only provides high quality protein, but is specifically designed to maximize performance aspects in older athletes.

Leucine booster for maximum performance:Enriched with 5g leucine per serving, the key building block for muscle proteins, NoDoubt promotes muscle performance and enables athletes over 40 to build their muscles efficiently

Superior amino acid profile: Due to its superior amino acid profile, NoDoubt Protein has been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults more efficiently than the the same amount of casein. The efficiency of this product goes beyond that of conventional proteins.

Muscle recovery: With increasing age, recovery becomes more and more important for athletes over 40, as their bodies may not be able to recover as quickly as before. Omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols found in our goji berry extract have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after exercise. Athletes can improve their recovery time and overall athletic performance.

How to approach this?

On days without sport: 1x daily


  • in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant supply of protein to promote muscle health.

On days with strength training: 2x daily


  1. 1x in the morning or afternoon:
    • 1 portion of NoDoubt Protein, ideally 2-3 hours between meals
  2. 1x after training:
    • 1 serving of NoDoubt Protein
    • 1 serving of carbohydrates (e.g., banana)

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply. Especially after intensive training, the targeted combination of protein with carbohydrates effectively supports muscle protein synthesis and regeneration.

From the age of 40, anabolic resistance sets in. Prioritize our specific protein to prevent muscle breakdown preventively, especially important during a lack of or light physical activity.

Why is this important?

Our protein becomes even more crucial for individuals who do not engage in regular sports, as the stimulus for muscle preservation is lacking. That’s precisely why our protein, enriched with sufficient leucine and goji berry extract/omega-3, becomes particularly significant for the preventive maintenance of muscles. This is crucial for healthy aging.

As age progresses, the natural aging process can lead to muscle loss, decreasing physical well-being, and various associated challenges. Without suitable measures, strength decreases, muscle mass diminishes, and the fat percentage increases. This can result in reduced performance, limited mobility, an elevated risk of injury, and a decrease in overall quality of life.

An effective countermeasure involves consuming an adequate amount of high-quality protein. Through a good blend of high-quality protein and carefully selected components, we help provide the necessary building blocks for muscle maintenance and repair, support muscle health, preserve strength, and counteract age-related muscle loss.

NoDoubt SilverGreen, a performance protein, is an excellent choice to meet your protein needs as you age. It offers high-quality protein, including essential amino acids such as leucine crucial for muscle protein synthesis. The specific composition is designed not only to support muscle maintenance and regeneration but also to promote performance maintenance and enhancement as you age.

By combining regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and the integration of NoDoubt SilverGreen, you can proactively take measures to preserve muscle mass, improve physical performance, and promote overall health and well-being, even during periods of low physical activity.

How to approach this?

1x daily


  • Morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant protein supply to promote muscle health.

From the age of 40, anabolic resistance sets in. Prioritize our specific protein to prevent muscle breakdown preventively, especially important during a lack of or light physical activity.

Why is this important?

Our protein becomes even more crucial for individuals who do not engage in regular sports, as the stimulus for muscle preservation is lacking. That’s precisely why our protein, enriched with sufficient leucine and goji berry extract/omega-3, becomes particularly significant for the preventive maintenance of muscles. This is crucial for healthy aging.

As age progresses, the natural aging process can lead to muscle loss, decreasing physical well-being, and various associated challenges. Without suitable measures, strength decreases, muscle mass diminishes, and the fat percentage increases. This can result in reduced performance, limited mobility, an elevated risk of injury, and a decrease in overall quality of life.

An effective countermeasure involves consuming an adequate amount of high-quality protein. Through a good blend of high-quality protein and carefully selected components, we help provide the necessary building blocks for muscle maintenance and repair, support muscle health, preserve strength, and counteract age-related muscle loss.

NoDoubt SilverGreen, a performance protein, is an excellent choice to meet your protein needs as you age. It offers high-quality protein, including essential amino acids such as leucine crucial for muscle protein synthesis. The specific composition is designed not only to support muscle maintenance and regeneration but also to promote performance maintenance and enhancement as you age.

By combining regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and the integration of NoDoubt SilverGreen, you can proactively take measures to preserve muscle mass, improve physical performance, and promote overall health and well-being, even during periods of low physical activity.

How to approach this?

1x daily

  • Morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals

This regular intake ensures a constant protein supply to promote muscle health.

For a healthy and balanced diet, it is advisable to eat a protein-rich diet with nuts, fish and lean meat. Supplement every meal with fresh vegetables or fruit. It should be noted that fresh, seasonal and regional products have a higher vitamin content. Also avoid storing fruit and vegetables in the fridge for too long to minimize vitamin loss.

When it comes to carbohydrates, complex varieties (whole grain products) should be chosen whenever possible to ensure valuable fiber for healthy bowel function. Numerous studies show that dietary fiber has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, which in turn can have a variety of protective effects in the body. Due to its numerous positive effects on the body, the intestinal microflora can now be regarded as an organ in its own right.

For a healthy and balanced diet, it is advisable to eat a protein-rich diet with nuts, fish and lean meat. Supplement every meal with fresh vegetables or fruit. It should be noted that fresh, seasonal and regional products have a higher vitamin content. Also avoid storing fruit and vegetables in the fridge for too long to minimize vitamin loss.

When it comes to carbohydrates, complex varieties (whole grain products) should be chosen whenever possible to ensure valuable fiber for healthy bowel function. Numerous studies show that dietary fiber has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, which in turn can have a variety of protective effects in the body. Due to its numerous positive effects on the body, the intestinal microflora can now be regarded as an organ in its own right.

Make sure you have a constant protein intake.

Why is this important?

Additionally, we recommend taking NoDoubt protein after training to ensure that muscle cells receive the necessary nutrients immediately after light to moderate training. This timing is crucial to support recovery and achieve the best possible results from your workout.

How to approach this?

On days with light activities: 1x daily


  • 1x after training: 1 portion of NoDoubt Protein

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply.

Women can experience increased protein needs and nutrient deficits after training due to the menstrual cycle.

Why is this important?

The importance of protein for women is an increasingly researched area. Women have specific needs that have long been overlooked, especially the higher need for protein due to increased protein oxidation. To maintain muscle and prevent unnecessary breakdown, women should pay particular attention to increasing their protein intake, especially amino acids such as lysine and leucine.

How to approach this?

On days with light activities: 1x daily


  • 1x after training: 1 portion of NoDoubt Protein

Regular intake ensures a constant protein supply.

Anabolic resistance sets in from the age of 40. Prioritize our specific protein to prevent muscle loss preventively, especially important during lack of or light physical activity.

Why is this important?

Our protein becomes even more crucial for individuals who do not engage in regular sports, as the stimulus for muscle preservation is lacking. That’s precisely why our protein, enriched with sufficient leucine and goji berry extract/omega-3, becomes particularly significant for the preventive maintenance of muscles. This is crucial for healthy aging.

As age progresses, the natural aging process can lead to muscle loss, decreasing physical well-being, and various associated challenges Without suitable measures, strength decreases, muscle mass diminishes, and the fat percentage increases. This can result in reduced performance, limited mobility, an elevated risk of injury, and a decrease in overall quality of life.

An effective countermeasure involves consuming an adequate amount of high-quality protein. Through a good blend of high-quality protein and carefully selected components, we help provide the necessary building blocks for muscle maintenance and repair, support muscle health, preserve strength, and counteract age-related muscle loss.

NoDoubt SilverGreen, a performance protein, is an excellent choice to meet your protein needs as you age. It offers high-quality protein, including essential amino acids such as leucine crucial for muscle protein synthesis. The specific composition is designed not only to support muscle maintenance and regeneration but also to promote performance maintenance and enhancement as you age.

By combining regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and the integration of NoDoubt SilverGreen, you can proactively take measures to preserve muscle mass, improve physical performance, and promote overall health and well-being, even during periods of low physical activity. NoDoubt supports your general health and promotes your well-being, even during periods of low physical activity.

How to approach this?

Protein is essential for maintaining your muscles and preventing muscle breakdown.

1 portion daily


  • in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals


  • A daily portion of NoDoubt SilverGreen provides all the necessary components to optimally support your muscles and continuously supply your body with essential amino acids.

Anabolic resistance sets in from the age of 40. Prioritize our specific protein to prevent muscle loss preventively, especially important during lack of or light physical activity.

Why is this important?

Our protein becomes even more crucial for individuals who do not engage in regular sports, as the stimulus for muscle preservation is lacking. That’s precisely why our protein, enriched with sufficient leucine and goji berry extract/omega-3, becomes particularly significant for the preventive maintenance of muscles. This is crucial for healthy aging.

As age progresses, the natural aging process can lead to muscle loss, decreasing physical well-being, and various associated challenges Without suitable measures, strength decreases, muscle mass diminishes, and the fat percentage increases. This can result in reduced performance, limited mobility, an elevated risk of injury, and a decrease in overall quality of life.

An effective countermeasure involves consuming an adequate amount of high-quality protein. Through a good blend of high-quality protein and carefully selected components, we help provide the necessary building blocks for muscle maintenance and repair, support muscle health, preserve strength, and counteract age-related muscle loss.

NoDoubt SilverGreen, a performance protein, is an excellent choice to meet your protein needs as you age. It offers high-quality protein, including essential amino acids such as leucine crucial for muscle protein synthesis. The specific composition is designed not only to support muscle maintenance and regeneration but also to promote performance maintenance and enhancement as you age.

By combining regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and the integration of NoDoubt SilverGreen, you can proactively take measures to preserve muscle mass, improve physical performance, and promote overall health and well-being, even during periods of low physical activity. NoDoubt supports your general health and promotes your well-being, even during periods of low physical activity.

How to approach this?

Protein is essential for maintaining your muscles and preventing muscle breakdown.

1 portion daily


  • in the morning or afternoon, ideally 2-3 hours between meals


  • A daily portion of NoDoubt SilverGreen provides all the necessary components to optimally support your muscles and continuously supply your body with essential amino acids.
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