The Story of NoDoubt

We don’t all have the same bodies – we don’t all need the same proteins.

Juwela Lam, Product Developer:

“All of this shocked me deeply. In a world that always talks about performance, no one really seemed to respond to individual needs.”


NoDoubt takes a holistic approach to nutrition and ensures that athletes of all ages, especially over 40 and active women and athletes, have access to a unique product. This makes us a pioneer in sports nutrition.

Our vision is to offer high-quality performance products that not only support athletic performance, but also specifically address individual needs. We guarantee top quality thanks to carefully selected ingredients in optimum mixing ratios.

Our products are based on the latest findings in nutritional research and are subject to strict quality tests by experts. The aim is to go beyond industry standards and thus create a reliable basis for optimum performance at a scientifically sound level.

Juwela Lam, Initiator and Developer, on the History of NoDoubt:

“Even during our studies, we noticed that the market was overflowing with protein products. But on closer inspection, it became clear that most of these products are designed according to the outdated “one-size-fits-all” principle, with the average 20-year-old male athlete as the benchmark.

At a time when we understand how the body changes according to needs and phases of life, this concept seemed more than outdated to me.”

What does that mean in concrete terms?

“Muscle loss, which starts as early as the age of 30, and severe muscle atrophy in many people over 60 not only lead to reduced well-being, but also cause considerable suffering.

The question arises: Why don’t we tackle the problem preventively?

At the same time, there are more and more people over 40 who want to get fitter and healthier, train ambitiously and achieve peak performance. But this potential cannot be realized physiologically if they continually buy products designed for younger people.

So why are there no specific products for this target group when scientific evidence shows that the body needs different dosages and ingredients to stay healthy and perform at its best after 40?”

To what extent does this affect women in particular?

“Women show a similar pattern. For a long time, women were given the same training and nutrition recommendations as men, without taking their unique needs into account.

The menstrual cycle plays a crucial role, and scientific findings show that women have much more nutrient deficiencies during training than men and also need much more protein than has long been assumed.”

So NoDoubt is the reaction to these findings?

“All of this shocked me deeply. In a world that always talks about performance, no one really seemed to take individual needs into account. That was the moment I decided to make a change.

The idea of NoDoubt was born – a concept aimed at the diverse requirements of people over 40, women and anyone who wants to get the most out of their body.”

The Developer

The initiator and developer of NoDoubt is food specialist Juwela Lam. Her knowledge and research is based on a Master’s degree in Food Science from ETH Zurich with a focus on Nutrition, Environment and Health. She is the first author of a scientific publication on the topic: The role of nutrition in the human ageing process.

Her expertise is based on her work in a spin-off of the University Hospital Zurich in the research, development and production of proteins. She was also a research associate at the University of Zurich in the field of immunology and worked in quality management at a well-known food company. Personally, she is also an enthusiastic athlete and former competitive rower.

The Support

Our team also includes a Swiss sports doctor who is also a former competitive athlete, nutritionists, a social media and marketing expert, world champions and Olympic champions from various sports and, above all, enthusiastic strength and endurance athletes of all ages for whom health and well-being are important.

Our Team

Performance to the power of three -- the concentrated expertise behind NoDoubt

Juwela Lam

Tätigkeitsbereich A

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Livia Lyer

Tätigkeitsbereich B

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Danai Rossalidis

Tätigkeitsbereich C

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