Protein for People over 40

A High-Protein Diet Is No Longer Enough.

We have found a scientifically sound solution
to prevent premature muscle loss, maximize performance and promote healthy aging.

Performance Protein

Our key to unlocking untapped potential

For Active People over 40

Optimal composition for their needs based on Swiss development

Valuable Omega-3

To minimize pain and inflammation after training sessions

5g L-Leucine

The key amino acid for improving muscle maintenance and development

Goji Berry Extract:
The powerhouse of nature

For accelerated recovery

Scientifically Founded

Based on the latest findings from research

Muscle Loss Begins from the Age of 30

From the age of 30, our body undergoes natural changes that affect our fitness and health. Muscle mass and muscle regeneration are significantly reduced, especially from the age of 40. Your strength and performance decrease.

L-Leucine: The Heart of SilverGreen

Our Performance Protein combines high-quality protein with essential nutrients. At the heart of SilverGreen is a powerful ingredient: L-Leucine. With an optimal dosage of 5g and the synergy of other ingredients such as goji berry extract and omega-3, it significantly increases muscle protein synthesis and acts as a regeneration booster.

Setting New Standards:
Our Groundbreaking Product for Everyone over 40.

Your Sport, Your Choice - with our Protein Power Behind You.

NoDoubt in Our Ingredients

Pure Quality Without Compromise

Performance Protein

100 % native whey protein of the highest quality: carefully selected and portioned with valuable bioactive substances. For demonstrably better muscle health from the age of 40.

  • Whey protein promotes muscle synthesis more efficiently than the same amount of casein - thanks to its superior amino acid profile.
  • From the age of 40, maintaining muscle health becomes crucial. Our product provides 25g of whey protein, which has been shown to improve muscle synthesis in people over 40.
  • Omega-3 - For Training Like a Champion

    Proper recovery after training is essential. Regeneration is essential for female and male athletes over 40, as muscle mass begins to decline sharply.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids reduce pain and inflammation after training and minimize the risk of injury.
  • Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis and supports the aerobic metabolism.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the cardiovascular risk, lower the cholesterol level and protect against plaque formation in the arteries.
  • L-Leucine

    L-leucine is the decisive factor for optimized athletic performance. The essential amino acid improves muscle growth and regeneration.

  • L-leucine provides the necessary building blocks for protein synthesis and counteracts the muscle loss that occurs during intensive and long training sessions.
  • NoDoubt SilverGreen optimizes the absorption of L-leucine, which is essential for female and male athletes over 40 to gain and maintain muscle strength and mass.
  • L-leucine plays a crucial role in supporting endurance performance by serving as an energy source and fuel for the body.
  • Goji Berries - Nature's Powerhouse

    Goji berries promote optimal recovery thanks to their many antioxidants. Our product contains goji berry extract from carefully extracted natural sources.

  • The polyphenols in the goji berry contain high concentrations of antioxidants. They promote faster recovery by reducing inflammation caused by intensive training.
  • NoDoubt SilverGreen contains the important extract of the goji berry, which helps to protect the cells.
  • Ready for the next level?

    Get your portion of performance now.

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